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Builders Pre-construction

Termite Protection Part A & Part B Prices From $550

Builders Pre-construction

For Home Owners & Builders Melbourne

All new homeowners, builders, developers, draftsman, steel frames, and commercial factory builders should be aware that the Building Code of Australia or BCA, the Australian Standard is AS3660.1-2014. Stamped plans on all working drawings should be marked as (termite protection is required in accordance with as3660.1.

Part A is the most common termite protection around the pipe, and it's called a penetration pipe collar, and it is put under the concrete house slab. Part A will be applied as a termite chemical barrier before the concrete slab, brick piers, stumps, or footings if you don't have any pipes coming out of the ground.

Part B, is the second stage additional chemical perimeter barrier or physical termite blanket, or reticulation system product, that will be used around the perimeter of the house at different stages during the build.

Once you have finished your project, the local council and building surveyor must qualify the property for an AS3660.1 termite certificate of occupancy. By installing part A, you must ensure the building or house is protected during the construction with a termite barrier. Once you have done part A & B you will be certified by us.

Post Construction Melbourne

With the post-construction services which include a treatment to all commercial factory, warehouse and domestic buildings including: home renovations, house extensions, steel frames, roof trusses, and new decking installation. For all new or existing extension, pergola, we will provide the appropriate treatment, certification and sticker required for the building approval. It is noted in your performance solution report for all new building work requires the correct termite protection AS3660.1. Refer to with your building surveyor for further information, or give us a call to discuss your options in what is needed.

Inground Baiting Stations, Melbourne

The leading termite monitoring baiting stations are the (click here) Trelona termite baiting devices which require a lot fewer chemicals for a complete colony eradication to be achieved when related to other termite stations as being more eco-friendly than chemical protection because no harsh chemicals are being put into the ground. If you’re truly against using a chemical in the soil next along with your home, a non-toxic termite baiting option would be a better choice for you. However, chemical termite treatment still provides the best protection.

Termite Protection AS3660.1 Melbourne

Termite protection as3660.1 in Melbourne for part a & a part b to all new commercial steel construction, existing homes, factory/warehouse footing spray, house renovations, steel frames, subfloor spray, roof trusses, new timber deck certificate and new house subfloor stump spray. Rapid can install any type of physical or chemical barrier around the slab by AS3660.1 before or after the concrete slab has been made, certifications are attested by a professional pest controller.

What is Pre-Construction Termite Protection, Melbourne

When you are building a commercial factory, warehouse or a new home, renovating a just new extension to a steel frame, termite protection must be installed. Australian Standards 3660.1 states that a physical barrier must be integrated into all new house or building work that needs a termite protection system. As a general rule, all termite penetration collars and the perimeter of the house slab edge must be protected for all pre-construction termite protection in Melbourne, Victoria.

Depending on where the concrete slab needs protection by your council or building surveyor required to install termite protection, however, we highly recommended that you do this. Installing termite protection underneath the concrete slab is called a termite collar (penetration) – if you don't do this, you will need to drill and inject the slab to get your certificate of compliance.

Pre Construction Termite

  • Termite collars part A 
  • Footings - Sumps part A
  • Liquid chemical part B
  • Termite blanket part B
  • Termite reticulation system part B
Other Termite Control

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